My Senior Class

Today was about these AMAZING students.
I was messaged that a lunch was set up with my senior class. These students were the ones who felt they had to do something for me and my family. As they told me today, their goal was to raise us $1,000 "from the poor students going to college." They raised so much more than that, and they gave me a gift that can never be repaid - love.
As teachers, we go through our year thinking how much our students need us there, how much we have to put in, and how we never expect anything back from them because, well, that's our job. However, when we think of this generation, I hope you stop and think of THESE kids. This is what I put my hope into as I think of the future. These 18 year olds, getting ready to embark on their own journey, made time to have lunch with me, to hug me , and say goodbye before they disperse around the globe, literally.
There is so much goodness in this picture. I told them at Sadie's celebration to not stop doing good in this life. I want them to remember how it felt to help someone in the darkest time of their life in which they brought so much light. This is the feeling that I want them to replicate whenever they can- big or small. I love them, and I hope for nothing but the BEST for all of them!