Love & Hope
It was a long and emotional week, yet God always has a way of showing me the light in this darkness.
Tonight, Spring scrimmaged The Woodlands High School. As I looked across the field, I saw pink Pom-Poms and bows that they were using #4Sadie.

As tears my tears slowly creeped out my eyes, I got up and walked over with Michael and Cole . I asked their sweet coach, Wendi Cones Spears (who I didn't know before tonight), if the pink was for Sadie. She had a bright smile and said yes. I introduced myself as Sadie's mom, and I asked to take a picture with these amazing girls! They were so welcoming and we felt so much love and goodness from all of them and their coach-- I know she's proud!
Oh, and they gave us delicious cookies!

After the game, Trent shares with me that The Woodlands head coach gave him a plaque to honor Sadie.

There is nothing to say except Thank You to another football family who showed us love and hope! TWHS was nothing but first class tonight.
We, the Miller family, are forever grateful to you and your amazing programs!